Summer Journeys

After yet another windy day of riding, I finally made it to Durango. I’ll be sticking around here until Sunday for my Wilderness First Responder re-certification course.

As some of you know, upon conclusion of the bike tour in Jackson I will be spending a week in the Tetons and Yellowstone as a trip leader for Summer Journeys. The program is based in Grand Rapids, Michigan and was founded in 2008 by a friend of mine, David Buth. The objective is to provide adolescents with an authentic learning experience that will assist in helping them become strong leaders and contributing members of their community. If you want more detailed information on the program, the website has everything from its mission to detailed trip itineraries.

Needless to say, I’m pretty excited to be a part of the program. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say that I absolutely hated sitting in a classroom all day working on redundant assignments and reading textbooks. Programs like Summer Journeys provide so much more than that. Immersing students in the natural world to learn about ecology, geology, leadership, and outdoor skills not only makes the learning more enjoyable, but brings substantially greater and longer lasting rewards. When students learn in an artificial classroom they rarely look back on their learning experiences with joy and accomplishment in the years to come.. Learning in nature is real and genuine. I allows students to remember their lessons for life and ensures a more lasting impact on each individual.

Our current education system is designed to prepare students for standardized tests and college, bombarding kids with information most of which they’ll forget by the time they’re adults. Experiences like these prepares them instead to be successful leaders and contributing members of society. They provide opportunities for each student to form a deeper connection with their own self and their environment. The provide identity and direction for teenagers as they move forward through and beyond high school. This is how education should be. Our current system of institutionalized education is obsolete and ineffective, programs like Summer Journeys are as important as ever. Someday I would like to run a program of my own based on these philosophies.

Summer Journeys is a non-profit and operates off of community support. Many of the students actively participate in fundraising and do what they can to pay their own way. However, there are some kids who are not able to finance their tuition and rely on scholarships funded by donations from the community. It is incredible that this program is able to draw so much support, but its capacity to is limited by financial boundaries. Not every kid who wants to be a part of the program is always able.

This is where we come in. For the most part, every day this blog gets over 100 views and continues to draw more attention. I thank everyone for their support and interest, and now I hope to use the blog to change some lives by bringing more funding to the program. The program accepts donations until May 31st, and every cent raised will be used to finance the trip for a student going this year.

“All charitable donations are tax-deductible.  All contributions will make a difference for a local student who wishes to take ownership of his/her education and participate in a life-changing experience that will set him/her up for further personal and academic success.”

I encourage everyone to go to the website and learn about this awesome program more if you are considering making a donation! You can click here to get to the donation page, and if you would like to contact Buth himself concerning the program, his email is Checks can also be sent to Summer Journeys, 675 lovett #2 GR MI 49506

Thanks everyone! I will be sure to keep you updated with the progress of the fundraiser as I post on the blog.

– Peace